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Short facts

Countries: Sweden, Denmark
Regions: Skåne (SE), Hovedstaden (DK)

Area of ​​focus: Innovation and entrepreneurship

Specific goal: Promote competence development and entrepreneurship within smart specialization.

Period: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026

Budget: 2,699,998 EUR

Granted EU funds: EUR 1,619,999

Leading partner: Skåne/PM Sandra Lindstedt

Project Managers: Sandra Lindstedt (SE), Micheal Perch (DK), Hasse Soerensen (DK)

Partner: Region Hovedstaden

White lungs

The Bridge - Lungs for life

Lung patients die for lack of organs healthy enough for donation. The project will create a centralized Danish-Swedish "revitalizing facility" for damaged lungs – the first in Europe.


Sandra Lindstedt

 Sandra Lindstedt (PM SE) 

Micheal Perch

 Michael Perch (PM DK) 

Hasse Møller-Sørensen Photo Louise A. Poulsen.JPG

 Hasse Møller-Sørensen (PM DK) 


Logotype The Bridge - Lungs for life

The project will create a centralized Danish-Swedish "revitalizing facility" for damaged lungs – the first in Europe.

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Cooperation between Region Skåne (SE), Region Hovedstaden (DK) and XVIVO

Logotype Region Skåne
Logotype Region Hovedstaden

©2024 The Bridge - Lungs for life by Falcor

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